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The Enovative Wellness Approach

At Enovative Wellness Center, we believe the path to optimizing your health lies in establishing a foundation for healthy living and building upon that foundation. We believe in using the most innovative, effective, and safest treatments available for each individual patient.

Our approach is not linear, and every program and protocol are tailored for each individual patient. This allows us to meet every patient where they are in their journey and provide a custom roadmap to optimal health.

Our providers have developed protocols to optimize your health with an integrated approach to naturopathic medicine, peptide therapy, patient specific supplement protocols. In addition, we can further improve vitality with our custom longevity, weight loss, cognitive, and athletic performance programs.

To help you and your provider accomplish these goals, we have established “The Enovative Flow” to patient care:


Step One of The Enovative Flow begins with your initial appointment.

  1. At your 45 minute initial appointment, you and your provider will take an in-depth and very detailed look at your current and past health concerns, medical history, medications, and supplements.
  2. We will work together at this visit to determine your health goals and the specialized lab tests needed to evaluate your health. We will also introduce you to our custom approach to optimizing your health and determine what treatments you can start immediately.
  3. Plan to leave the office with a preliminary treatment plan to begin your health journey.
Step One with your initial appointment
Step Two is your lab review and custom treatment plan presentation

Step Two of The Enovative Flow is your lab review and custom treatment plan presentation.

  1. All providers at Enovative Wellness Center are personally trained by Dr. Jones in The Enovative Wellness proprietary approach to Hormone Optimization, Peptide Therapy, and injectable nutrient therapies.
  2. At the beginning of this visit, your provider will provide a detailed review of your lab results, so you understand their impact on your current and long-term health.
  3. Next, your provider will present your custom treatment plan. This treatment plan will include the necessary dietary and lifestyle recommendations, supplement, hormone optimization, cutting edge peptide
    therapies, and injectable nutrient therapies (IV or IM) to accomplish your health goals.
  4. Our staff will ensure you understand your treatment plan and how to administer any injectable medications before you leave the office.

If you are prescribed Peptide Therapy, Step Three of The Enovative Flow is The Peptide Performance Review

  1. Every 4 weeks, these 10-15 minute calls will be scheduled to evaluate your response to your individualized peptide protocols.
Step Three is The Peptide Performance Review
Step Four your custom treatment plan follow up appointment

Step Four of The Enovative Flow consists of necessary labs to assess your treatment plan progress and your custom treatment plan follow up appointment

  1. At this 20-30 minute appointment, you and your provider will start by discussing changes in your health and your response to the treatment plan.
  2. We will then review your most recent lab results and measure your body’s response to your treatment protocol.
  3. After discussing the labs, we will then refine your custom treatment plan to ensure you are on the most effective path to your health goals

Depending on your individualized treatment plan and goals, you and your provider will repeat Step Four every 2-4 months.

Step Five Depending on your individualized treatment plan and goals, you and your provider will repeat Step Four every 2-4 months